Vaping Knowledge

Does Vaping Have Calories? A Flavorful Investigation

Vaping has taken the world by storm, becoming the modern alternative to traditional smoking. With a myriad of flavors and styles, it’s no wonder that vapers have questions about their habits. One burning question is: Does vaping have calories? Join us on this humorous and relaxed journey as we delve into the science of vaping and calories. Spoiler alert: it’s more fascinating than you might think!

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty, let’s set the scene. Imagine yourself lounging in a cozy café, taking a long drag from your favorite vape pen. The rich aroma of vanilla custard fills the air. But wait, does this delightful experience come with a side of calories? Grab your vape, sit back, and let’s find out together!

The Ingredients of Vape Juice

What’s in That Cloud?

Vape juice, also known as e-liquid, is the magical concoction that creates those thick, flavorful clouds. But what exactly is in it? The main ingredients are usually propylene glycol (PG), vegetable glycerin (VG), nicotine, and flavorings. None of these ingredients scream “high-calorie,” but let’s break it down.

Propylene glycol is a synthetic liquid substance that absorbs water. It’s commonly used in food and pharmaceuticals. Vegetable glycerin, on the other hand, is a natural compound derived from vegetable oils. It’s sweet and thick, often used in food and cosmetic products. These two ingredients are the backbone of vape juice and, interestingly enough, they do contain a tiny amount of calories. However, the amount is so minuscule that it’s almost laughable to consider it a part of your daily caloric intake.

Flavorings and Nicotine

Now, let’s talk about the fun part: flavorings. The endless variety of flavors is what makes vaping so appealing. From fruity explosions to decadent desserts, the possibilities are endless. But do these flavors add calories? The short answer is no. Most flavorings used in vape juice are calorie-free because they are used in such small quantities. Nicotine, the addictive component, also does not contribute any calories. So, while you might be indulging in the taste of strawberry cheesecake, you’re not consuming its caloric content. Phew!

The Caloric Breakdown

The Tiny Amounts

If we’re getting technical, both PG and VG do contain calories. PG has about 4 calories per gram, and VG has about 4.3 calories per gram. However, the amount of e-liquid you use in a single vaping session is so small that the caloric intake is negligible. Let’s put it into perspective: even if you vaped 5 milliliters of e-liquid a day (which is quite a lot), you’d be consuming less than 25 calories. That’s about the same as a single baby carrot! So, unless you’re planning to vape your weight in e-liquid, you’re safe from significant caloric intake.

Comparisons for Context

To make this more relatable, think about the calories in other everyday activities. For instance, chewing a piece of gum for an hour burns more calories than you’d consume in a day of vaping. Even fidgeting at your desk probably uses more energy. So, while you might enjoy a plethora of flavors, your waistline remains unaffected by your vaping habit. Keep puffing those clouds with a light heart and an even lighter calorie count.

Vaping vs. Eating

The Real Caloric Culprits

Now, let’s have a little fun with some comparisons. Imagine if every puff of your favorite chocolate fudge vape had the same calories as a bite of chocolate cake. The vaping world would look very different! Fortunately, this isn’t the case. Real food, with its fats, sugars, and carbs, is where the calories come from. Vaping is all about the illusion of taste without the actual consumption of these delicious, yet diet-damaging, elements.

Why Vaping Isn’t a Diet Plan

Although vaping doesn’t add significant calories to your diet, it’s definitely not a weight loss strategy. The flavors might keep you from reaching for a snack, but relying on vaping as a substitute for actual food isn’t the best idea. Your body needs nutrients that e-liquid just can’t provide. So, while you might feel like you’re indulging in a sweet treat, remember to balance it with real, healthy food. Your body will thank you, and you’ll still get to enjoy the delightful flavors without the guilt.

Final Puffs of Wisdom

The Social Calorie Myth

In social settings, questions about vaping and calories might come up. Now, you’re armed with the knowledge to debunk the myth that vaping adds to your caloric intake. You can confidently explain that while there are trace amounts of calories in e-liquid ingredients, they are so minuscule that they don’t impact your diet. Share this wisdom with your fellow vapers, and you’ll be the life of the party—well, the informative one at least!

Enjoy the Flavorful Journey

In conclusion, vaping is a flavorful adventure that doesn’t come with a side of guilt. The next time you take a puff of that blueberry muffin vape, you can do so knowing that you’re not adding to your calorie count. It’s all about enjoying the taste without the waist. So, keep exploring those wonderful flavors, share a laugh with your friends, and vape on!


Vaping has become a popular alternative to traditional smoking, sparking curiosity about its impact on our diet. The big question is: Does vaping have calories? This guide explores the science behind vape juice, revealing that its main ingredients—propylene glycol, vegetable glycerin, nicotine, and flavorings—contain negligible calories. Despite the tiny caloric content in PG and VG, the amount consumed while vaping is so minuscule that it barely counts towards daily intake. Unlike real food, which has fats, sugars, and carbs, vaping provides the illusion of flavor without actual caloric consumption. While vaping won’t affect your waistline, it’s not a substitute for real, nutritious food. So, enjoy the flavorful experience without the guilt, knowing that vaping and calories just don’t mix.


1. Does Vaping Have Calories?

Yes, vaping does have calories, but the amount is minimal. Vape juices contain propylene glycol (PG) and vegetable glycerin (VG), each with about 4 calories per gram. However, the actual caloric intake from vaping is negligible because the amounts consumed are very small. A typical 30 ml bottle of vape juice might contain around 150 calories, which is spread over several days or even weeks of use, making it a minor addition to your daily caloric intake.

2. Can Vaping Affect My Weight?

While vaping itself doesn’t contribute significantly to weight gain or loss, the nicotine in many e-liquids can affect metabolism and appetite. Nicotine is a stimulant that can suppress appetite and increase metabolic rate, which might help with weight control for some individuals. However, these effects are minor and should not be relied upon for weight management. Instead, focus on maintaining a balanced diet and regular exercise.

3. Do Flavored Vape Juices Have More Calories?

The flavorings in vape juices typically do not add calories. Most of the caloric content in vape juices comes from the PG and VG base. While some sweetened e-liquids might contain small amounts of sugar, these are usually insignificant compared to everyday food and drink calories. Therefore, enjoying a flavorful vape doesn’t equate to ingesting the same calories as eating the actual food.

4. Does Vaping Affect Blood Sugar Levels?

Vaping does not significantly impact blood sugar levels. Despite the sweet taste of some e-liquids, they contain very low levels of sugar. However, nicotine can increase insulin resistance, which may affect blood sugar management in some individuals. Diabetics or those concerned about blood sugar levels should choose nicotine-free e-liquids to avoid potential issues.

5. Can Vaping Replace Snacks or Meals?

No, vaping should not be used as a replacement for snacks or meals. While nicotine can suppress appetite, it does not provide the nutrients your body needs. Relying on vaping to curb hunger can lead to nutritional deficiencies and other health problems. It’s important to maintain a balanced diet and use vaping solely as an alternative to smoking if necessary.

If you want to know more, please refer to this article:


As the Marketing Operator at KESTONE, Allen plays an integral role in bringing the brand’s innovative vision to life. KESTONE, a trailblazing VAPE brand co-founded by a team of designers, engineers, and artists, is deeply committed to shaping future lifestyles. Allen's marketing expertise is crucial in communicating the brand’s emphasis on product details, user experience, and quality. DISCLAIMER
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