ALERT: Global movement hosts five-day online COP

Global advocates for safer nicotine products are pushing back, broadcasting around-the-clock this week during a secretive international tobacco control conference.
Dubbed sCOPe, the global livestream features world-leading Tobacco Harm Reduction (THR) experts and consumer advocates.
The YouTube simulcast counters this week’s COP9 – the 9th Conference of Parties for the World Health Organization’s Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC).
sCOPe is calling on COP9 delegates to stand up for the rights of adults, particularly in emerging economies, to be able to choose and access safer options such as nicotine vaping.
sCOPe is simulcast on YouTube at and on Facebook until midnight (Hong Kong Time) on Friday, 12 November. An hour long sCOPe wrap-up and discussion will be broadcast from 6.00pm (HKT) on Wednesday, 17 November.
Friday’s schedule (HKT):
2.00am – ProVapeo Dr Roberto Sussman Presentation (Spanish/English)
5.00am – ARDT Ibero Latin American RegionalDiscussion (Spanish)
10.00am – SOL/Smokefree Radio Discussion (US) (English)
12.00pm – CAPHRA Advocacy & Strategy – Short Film (English)
12.30pm – CAPHRA Panel Discussion – Terry Barnes, Expert (English)
2.00pm – COREISS Marewa Glover, PhD Presentation(English)
3.00pm – NCUP Nicotine Consumer Union Philippines Discussion (Filipino)
4.00pm – ECST ENDS Cigarette Smoking Thailand Discussion (Thai)
6.00pm – Vapers PH Philippines Discussion (Filipino)
10.00pm – ASAP Pakistan Discussion (Urdu)
sCOPe organiser, Nancy Loucas:
“Combustible tobacco kills, nicotine doesn’t, yet the WHO is sadly throwing huge resources at the wrong target. By not following the scientific and human evidence, the WHO’s advisers and funders are hindering global smoking cessation rates, not helping,” she says.
Peter Dator, president of consumer group Vapers PH and sCOPe panellist:
“We should stop discriminating against those who need alternatives in order to quit smoking. Not everyone can quit cold turkey. We are with you in the fight against smoking especially among the youth,” he says.