Vaping EventsNew Zealand


CAPHRA (Coalition of Asia Pacific Tobacco Harm Reduction Advocates) is raising alarm over the New Zealand government’s recent announcement of the Smokefree Environments and Regulated Products Amendment Bill.

This legislation threatens to remove nearly all closed system vaping products that adults rely on to quit smoking, leaving only the most technical options on the shelves. The proposed bill poses significant risks by potentially banning closed pod systems, which are widely recognised as the simplest and most effective for smoking cessation,” said Nancy Loucas, Executive Coordinator and spokesperson for CAPHRA.

“Major reviews of vaping for quitting smoking consistently highlight clinical trials that predominantly use pod systems. Furthermore, all vapes approved by the U.S. FDA are closed pod systems, with no open tank systems receiving approval.”

“This move contradicts the best available evidence supporting vaping as a harm reduction tool,” said Loucas.

In response, CAPHRA is launching a new initiative to collect video testimonials from vapers across New Zealand. These testimonials will highlight personal stories of how vaping has helped individuals quit smoking. The initiative aims to amplify the voices of those directly affected by the proposed legislation and can be accessed at

“There is growing concern that the Ministry of Health’s strategy may be politically motivated, posing a significant risk to public health and potentially making the minister appear out of touch with the needs of New Zealanders,” added Loucas.

CAPHRA urges the government to reconsider the bill and align its policies with evidence-based practices that support smoking cessation and harm reduction.

For more information on CAPHRA’s efforts and to participate in the video testimonial campaign, visit


Nancy Loucas,  

Executive Coordinator CAPHRA (Coalition of Asia Pacific Tobacco Harm Reduction Advocates)

Mobile: +64272348643

Email: [email protected]



  • CAPHRA remains committed to advocating for the rights of consumers in the Asia-Pacific region to access and use evidence-based, regulated, and properly marketed harm reduction products as a means of reducing the devastating impact of smoking-related diseases. We encourage further research, open dialogue, and collaboration with governments, health organisations, and stakeholders to ensure the best possible outcomes for public health.  
  • The Coalition of Asia Pacific Tobacco Harm Advocates (CAPHRA) is a regional alliance of consumer tobacco harm reduction advocacy organisations. Its mission is to educate, advocate and represent the right of adult alternative nicotine consumers to access and use of products that reduce harm from tobacco use. DISCLAIMER
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