CBD Oil vs CBD Tincture: What’s the Difference?

“Aren’t CBD oil and CBD tinctures the same thing?” we hear you cry. Spoiler alert: no, they’re not. It’s a common misconception among CBD users that they are the same product, and this isn’t helped by some of the confusing CBD marketing out there.
While they are certainly similar products (they both use the sublingual method and can be stored in similar packaging), they are also different.
This article will address the frequently asked question, “what’s the difference between CBD oil and CBD tincture?” So you can make the all-important decision on how to best incorporate CBD into your life.
What is CBD Oil?
Let’s start at the beginning. CBD, or Cannabidiol, is found naturally in the Cannabis Sativa plant, and research into its potential benefits is growing due to its popularity as a non-intoxicating cannabis compound.
As we already know, this compound is derived from the cannabis plant, specifically the seeds, stalks, and flowers. CBD is fat-soluble, so the extract is diluted with a carrier oil so the body can absorb it. The most common carrier oils include hemp seed, coconut, and olive oils. Therefore, the two main ingredients include carrier oil and CBD extract.
What Are CBD Tinctures?
When referring to a product as a tincture, it is referring to something extracted using alcohol. And this is the main difference between the two products. High-proof alcohol is utilized as a solvent in the extraction process from the cannabis plant and, if not removed, is an ingredient in the final product.
Some companies may mask the taste of alcohol with other ingredients like sweeteners, herbal extracts, vitamins (D, C), artificial flavors, or essential oils.
A Direct Comparison of CBD Oil and Tinctures
Now we will compare CBD oil vs CBD tincture. The similarities and differences are important, as they can help you to make that all-important choice.
Here are the similarities between the two methods of consumption.
CBD oil’s naturally bitter taste is not palatable for some; fortunately, both are available in various flavors. That said, many people still experience a slightly earthy aftertaste.
Consumption is the major similarity between the two products, as you can take them orally. One of the best methods is the sublingual method, placing CBD underneath the tongue. For fast absorption, you should hold the CBD for at least 30 seconds before swallowing. However, using CBD oils and tinctures is occasionally a messy affair as it is all too easy to spill a few drops, and you will have to clean up an oily mess.
Fortunately, new innovative oral methods match the efficacy of traditional sublingual methods. One example is cannabis oral chew that you discretely insert under your lip, where CBD absorbs into the gums. Thanks to its pre-measured pouch, dips retain the quick delivery that oils and tinctures are known for but make administration far easier and less messy.
Here are the main differences between the two methods of consumption.
The base
The main base of CBD is, you guessed it, CBD. An oil carrier also makes up the base, whereas a CBD tincture has an alcohol base.
The application
Since CBD possesses a number of beneficial properties like anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, some people use CBD oil as a topical for their skin. On the other hand, topically applying a CBD tincture with high alcohol content is not advisable.
The shelf life
The average shelf life of CBD infused oil is between 14 months to 2 years. You should keep CBD out of any direct sunlight. If you notice your CBD oil has a foggy quality, then it’s best to throw it out. You don’t need to necessarily keep your CBD in the fridge, as keeping it at room temperature and in dark places will be sufficient to maintain freshness. Compared to CBD oil, CBD tinctures will last a lot longer thanks to the alcohol content, as it acts as a preservative.
The ingredients
Of course, CBD tinctures have the additional element of alcohol. But both oils and tinctures may include other ingredients like vitamins and herbal extracts for an added nutrient boost or flavor.
So, What’s Better?
Is one method superior to the other? It comes down to the individual and what appeals to them. Both ways are fast-acting when taken under the tongue, but there are some differences to consider.
Both are strong contenders if you’re looking for an effective oral solution. CBD food and drink products aren’t as potent or fast-acting as oils and tinctures. Although, the messy administration of liquid leaves something to be desired.
With so much choice out there, make sure you research the effectiveness and the complete list of ingredients before you purchase. This way, you’ll be sure you’re making the right choice.