HQD Comma-shaped Vape is Modeled Like This

HQD, comma-shaped vape, is modeled like this.
Detailed steps
1.FRONT plane sketch is shown in the figure
2.FRONT plane sketch is shown in the figure
3.Creating a central axis
4.FRONT plane sketch is shown in the figure
5. Scanning the surface, and the sketch is shown in the figure
6.The mirror surface group, and FRONT plane is the mirror surface
7.Merged surface group
8.FRONT plane sketch is shown in the figure, and stretch
9.Using commands such trimming, merging, and rounding to achieve the effect shown
10. FRONT plane stretching is shown in the figure
11. Using the merging and rounding to achieve the effect shown
12. Using stretching, trimming, merging, rounding to achieve the effect shown in the figure, and complete it
Note: Source Young Onion Design, for reference only