RELX Laboratory welcomes the close experience of Secretary-General Ao of Electronic Cigarette Commission

On the morning of July 31, at the invitation of Wen Yilong, co-founder of RELX (Shenzhen Fog Core Technology Co., Ltd.,) and Jiang Xingtao, director of RELX e-liquid research and development department, the secretary-general of Electronic Cigarette Committee (the Electronic Cigarette Industry Committee of the China Electronic Chamber of Commerce ) visited RELX laboratory in Nanshan Company, Shenzhen. Many people are not familiar with the name “Fog Core Technology”, but mentioning the product of Fog Core Technology – RELX has long been well known.

敖伟诺秘书长以及陪同考察的秘书处彭鲜琴、吴超杰 与悦刻闻总、姜总、赵经理合影留念
Secretary-General Ao Weino and the secretary Peng Xianqin and Wu Chaojie accompanying the investigation
Photographs with General RELX Wen, Jiang and Manager Zhao

relx laboratoryrelx laboratory relx laboratoryrelx laboratory

After the lab visit, Wen introduced to the secretariat the development process, sales performance, domestic and foreign market layout and enterprise vision of RELX brand. When Wen introduced the “Guardian Plan” to protect the rights and interests of minors, secretary-general Ao gave great affirmation and appreciation, and mentioned that we should resolutely implement national laws and regulations and not sell electronic cigarettes related products to minors, which is the bottom line that all electronic cigarette enterprises should always keep in mind.

Electronic Cigarette Commission


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