U.S. media malfeasance and political speculation caused vaping panic
Spreading the e-cigarette panic is one of the most typical cases of media misconduct and political speculation in the United States

The vaping “epidemic” is actually a typical moral panic. The media ignores the evidence reports in a sensational way. In addition, politicians opportunistically make the electronic cigarette panic even worse.
The data shows that the legal nicotine e-cigarettes are irrelevant to the successive vaping-related diseases last year. At the same time, the overall rate of cigarette smoking among adolescents has also dropped significantly from 28.8% in 1976 to 3.6% in 2018. A great victory in the field of public health.
A reasonable discussion of e-cigarettes seems too late, as the full implementation of the e-cigarette ban has had a negative impact.
The e-cigarette panic is leading to a new “prohibition crisis.”
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Don’t be scared off by those unreasonable points of view from the irresponsible media and policymakers.
Vaping is definitely better than smoking. Make the switch early for better health.