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Strategic Cooperation between UK Vaping Industry Association & Shenzhen E-cigarette Chamber of Commerce is Realized

On December 16, 2019, Mr. John Dunne, chairman of UK Vaping Industry Association, paid a special visit to Shenzhen E-cigarette Chamber of Commerce, which is located in the headquarters of Boton Group. Mr. John Dunn and Mr. Zhang Yonghong, chairman of Shenzhen E-cigarette Chamber of Commerce held cordial and friendly discussions and exchanges, and both sides reached and signed the Strategic Cooperation Agreement.

Mr. Zhang Yonghong, chairman of Shenzhen E-cigarette Chamber of Commerce
Mr. Zhang Yonghong, chairman of Shenzhen E-cigarette Chamber of Commerce

Chairman John Dunne said, “I am very happy to come to Shenzhen E-cigarette Chamber of Commerce, which is also a return visit after President Zhang’s visit.UK Vaping Industry Association has established a good relationship with electronic cigarette organizations around the world, including Shenzhen E-cigarette Chamber of Commerce. I hope that through this in-depth exchange, our relationship will be closer, and we can further form a consensus to meet the challenges faced by the e-cigarette industry, and we can make some useful work for the healthy and orderly development of the e-cigarette industry.”

Mr. John Dunne, chairman of UK Vaping Industry Association
Mr. John Dunne, chairman of UK Vaping Industry Association

Finally, in a warm and cordial atmosphere, the two sides formally signed the strategic cooperation agreement and gave each other certificates.

Signing ceremony of strategic cooperation and certificate exchange
Signing ceremony of strategic cooperation and certificate exchange

SZECCC Shenzhen E-cigarette Chamber of Commerce


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