US government no longer advises to stop smoking e-cigarettes

However, according to the latest news from WSJ, with the identification of e-cigarette-related lung diseases, various parties’ attitudes towards e-cigarettes are undergoing some changes. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has abandoned a broad recommendation it has made in the past that in the context of e-cigarette-related outbreaks, anyone who uses any kind of e-cigarette should consider stopping e-cigarette use. Currently, the agency CDC is only advising consumers to avoid using e-cigarettes containing tetrahydrocannabinol, which is a relatively narrow warning.
In the past year, e-cigarettes have attracted public attention around the world. The main reason is that e-cigarettes have caused more than 2,000 lung diseases in the United States, causing more than 60 deaths. At one time, some governments began to restrict e-cigarettes, worrying about the serious impact on adolescent health.
On Friday, a new version of the warning was posted on the CDC’s website. Past warnings have been removed. The article denote that, while the e-cigarette disease investigation continues, the best way for people to ensure they are not at risk is to consider avoid using all electronic cigarettes or atomizing products.
Currently, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention still warns young people and pregnant women against vaping. In addition, groups who have not been used to smoking e-cigarettes in the past should not smoke e-cigarettes.
Last fall, the agency warned Americans to “specially” avoid using e-cigarettes containing tetrahydrocannabinol, and investigators focused on a substance used as a tetrahydrocannabinol vapor additive, which is an explosive e-cigarette The culprit of related diseases.
On Thursday, Scott Gottlieb, the former director of the US Food and Drug Administration, suggested that the CDC should clarify its e-cigarette warning message that the warning is mainly for e-cigarettes containing tetrahydrocannabinol.
The former official said that a current public health risk is that adolescents using these illegal and dangerous tetrahydrocannabinol products may not know that the CDC warning is related to the tetrahydrocannabinol products they are using because of disease The control center did not use precise terminology to describe the tetrahydrocannabinol vapor more clearly.
However, according to the latest warning from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the cannabis industry is not out of the woods. In fact, 82% of patients with e-cigarette lung disease report using products containing tetrahydrocannabinol, and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Food and Drug Administration continue to advise people not to use e-cigarettes containing tetrahydrocannabinol.
It is worth mentioning that before, the US Food and Drug Administration has banned the sale of electronic cigarettes with various fruit flavors or flavors. In addition, the US government has also adjusted its policy, saying that it will not completely block the entire electronic cigarette industry.
After the United States began to strictly regulate e-cigarettes, some people in the industry believe that it should not be a one-size-fits-all approach to stifle the development or innovation space of e-cigarette-related companies.
Juul Labs Inc., the largest e-cigarette company in the United States, has been investigated or prosecuted by the U.S. judiciary and accused of misleading publicity to lure young people into smoking e-cigarettes. The company has also stopped selling e-cigarettes with various flavors.