Which vape juice ingredients you need to avoid?

The growing popularity of vaping has encouraged a surge of vape products in the market. As more people are interested in experiencing vaping, companies are coming up with many innovative vape products and diverse flavors of e-liquids to grow their user base.
Vaping has evolved from being an alternative to smoking into a trend of its own. But as the dindustry expands, the challenges regarding quality are also on the rise.
Vaping is a relatively new method of consuming nicotine, herbs, and flavors. Hence the long term effects of using these products are uncertain. Some recent studies show that certain ingredients in CBD vape juices for pain can threaten users’ health and wellness after regular use. So what are these chemicals that you need to avoid in your vape juice? Well, here is a list of a few flavorings and chemicals to eliminate from your vaping habit.
What makes some chemicals dangerous?
While most of the past studies have focused on understanding how vaping is safer than smoking, recent studies have been centered around observing the long-term effects of vaporizing and consuming ingredients of e-juices.
Typically e-juices constitute Vegetable Glycerin (VG), which provides vapor density and Propylene Glycol(PG) that contributes to the throat hit. These two components in the right ratio are very critical to enjoying a safe and comfortable vaping experience. Apart from these, there are food grade flavoring agents and nicotine in some e-liquids.
While most good quality-liquids contain such high-grade ingredients, many liquids introduce harmful chemicals into the mixture. Not just low quality, but certain certified and approved food grade ingredients also tend to initiate harmful effects when vaporized.
Research suggests that some chemicals of e-juices tend to interfere with the characteristics and functionality of white blood cells in the body. When converting to vapors, the oxidation process gives rise to new compounds that could cause permanent damage to the body. They can reduce the ability of cells to produce oxygen and also increase the risk of cellular toxicity. They can interfere with the respiratory system’s overall functioning and impair the tissues and cells, causing chronic respiratory disorders.
Hence as a precaution, it is best to avoid e-liquids containing these chemicals to prevent exposure to toxic substances.
Mixed flavors
The excitement of buying new and innovative flavors with mixed offerings such as Kiwi, Apple, and Strawberry is quite enticing. The thrill of trying mixed flavors for vaping is almost unique. But compared to single flavors, mixed flavors contain more chemicals used to create the blend.
It means that cell damage is also high as the chemical concentrations are more in this case. Another important point to remember about mixing flavors is that certain mixtures could give birth to new compounds that may have uncertain risks to the overall health.
The refreshing flavors of menthol are one of the most preferred flavors in e-juices. The cooling after-effects of these e-liquids can be quite comforting during a long vaping session. But the chemicals used to create the flavors can damage the epithelial cells and increase the risk of cell death.
Studies also suggest that prolonged usage of the flavors could initiate bronchial cell damage.
The bold flavors like cinnamon from vape juices can induce nostalgia about cinnamon brimming breakfast recipes. But the enchanting aroma and taste of cinnamon, which is created using a chemical known as cinnamaldehyde in e-juices, can have toxic effects. Although the FDA’s flavoring agent is approved to be food grade, vaping of the substance can be harmful to the body.
The compound could start damaging the white blood cells and reduce the ability of lungs to remove mucus. It could also affect oxygen production in cells and increase cellular toxicity.
The fruity flavors of strawberry e-juices can be lethal for the heart, states a study. Research shows that the flavor elevated the percentage of cell death significantly, even when present in low concentrations. The presence of dimethyl pyrazine is responsible for this effect. Similar effects are also visible from the banana flavor used to isoamyl acetate, and hence these two flavors are not the right choice for your e-juices.
Vanillin is the flavoring compound used in e-juices to imitate vanilla flavor. The substance is among the top compounds in the list of toxic e-juice chemicals.
Studies indicate that exposure to the flavor influenced the highest inflammatory market interleukin-6 and degraded nitric oxide levels. Regular use of vanillin can damage the heart and impair blood vessels. It can also regrade oxygen production in cells significantly.
Other chemicals
Titanium Dioxide
Another problematic chemical in e-juices is Titanium Dioxide. The nanoparticles of the chemical could potentially enter your brain and lungs and affect cells and neurons. They can cause inflammation, mutation, and cell damage by elevating oxidative stress. They might also affect the health of the immune system and possess carcinogenic properties.
The creamy, buttery texture of e-liquids is mostly due to acetyl propionyl, diacetyl, and acetoin, collectively referred to as the diketones. These compounds are strictly prohibited for use in food products, although there are no laws around their inhalation products.
High concentrations of these diketones are known to initiate severe lung damage. Reports show that popcorn factory workers from the 1990s suffered from severe bronchiolitis, referred to as popcorn lung, due to chronic exposure to these chemicals. Although the exposure levels are significantly low in vaping juices, the effects of long term usage are uncertain. Hence most healthy conscious users avoid using e-juices with any of these diketones.
Vaping can be a fun and enjoyable experience with high-quality products. Read the e-juice label thoroughly to understand if any of the above- mentioned ingredients are present. If so, look for alternatives in the market as a precaution for your health. Avoid brands that do not reveal the ingredients clearly to eliminate uncertainty.