Vaping Knowledge

Worldwide Regulation of the Vaping Industry (Ultimate Guide)

From a political and regulatory standpoint, vaping is easily one of the most divisive topics in the world. TheĀ vaping regulationsĀ of the region in which you live, in fact, may have a substantial influence on the way you feel about vaping. If you live in the United Kingdom, for instance, you probably see vaping as a less harmful alternative to smoking and recognise it as something thatā€™s helping smokers quit ā€“ even if you donā€™t vape or smoke yourself.

On the other hand, suppose that you live in the United States and donā€™t know someone whoĀ quit smokingĀ with the help of an e-cigarette. All you know areĀ FDA vaping regulations, what youā€™ve read in the mainstream media, and you might see vaping as a scourge thatā€™s addicting the nationā€™s youth to nicotine.

Regional perceptions have a great deal to do with how people feel about vaping, and thatā€™s one of many reasons why the worldā€™s governmentsĀ regulate vapingĀ in a wide variety of different ways. So,Ā is vaping legalĀ where you live or where youā€™re thinking about travelling this year? Are there any underlying circumstances that could cause your nationā€™s vaping regulations to change in the future? In this list ofĀ worldwide vaping regulations, weā€™re going to examine the differing ways in which vaping is regulated by the worldā€™s major nations and discoverĀ where vaping is banned.

Continue to read the full article Worldwide Regulation of the Vaping Industry here:


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