Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Passed the Law Baning Vape and Cigarette Completely

The Health Affairs Committee of the Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region will meet in the afternoon to discuss proposals for regulating the management of e-cigarettes,Wen Wei Po reported.
The Hong Kong Academic of Medicine, the university of Hong Kong and the university of Hong Kong medical college and the Chinese medical association held a joint press conference on May 19. Urging the government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region to ban e-cigarettes and other new types of tobacco products, and to criticize the assertion by the tobacco industry that “the harmful effect of e-cigarettes are lower than conventional cigarettes” is a quibble and there is no evidence that e-cigarettes can be used as a choice to smoking cessation, it also supports a big increase in tobacco taxes. After that The Health Affairs Committee of the Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region passed the motion “to impose a total ban on electronic cigarettes and other tobacco products as soon as possible”.
Experts say e-cigarettes can also be addictive and carcinogenic.
The Health Affairs Committee of the Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region discussed legislative proposals to regulate the control of e-cigarettes and other new tobacco products on the 19th. At the press conference, the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Hong Kong (HKU) said that e-cigarettes were not a substitute for conventional cigarettes and did not help to stop smoking, and he said  the government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region has been implementing measures to control smoking, which has led to a significant decrease in smoking rates in recent years, but the approval of the introduction of e-cigarettes will be a “driving backwards”.
Related news:Â http://www.scmp.com/lifestyle/health-beauty/article/2103998/vaping-and-e-cigarettes-hong-kong-dangerous-gateway-or-safe
Professor Liu Zexing of the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine believes that the tobacco problem in Hong Kong stems from the fact that the ban on smoking in Hong Kong has been inadequate for decades, but normalizing e-cigarettes would also increase the chances of future smoking for the younger generation increased the chances of future smoking for the younger generation. Citing the findings of the study that people who smoke e-cigarettes are two to three times more likely to smoke conventional cigarettes in the future, and the government of the HKSAR is should prohibit all tobacco products in the long run without any compromise.
Mr Chan ka-leung, the dean of the CUHK school of Medicine, stressed that the use of e-cigarettes, should be completely banned, as they can also be addictive and carcinogenic and should not be taken lightly by changing the name of e-cigarettes.
They pointed out that e-cigarettes had a significant impact on the health of children and young people. Studies in Hong Kong have shown that e-cigarettes contain toxic substances that are indistinguishable from conventional cigarettes. E-cigarettes also do not help to quit smoking. Some e-cigarettes are packaged in a variety of colours and flavors to attract children and teenager. HKSAR should make reference to countries and areas that have successfully banned e-cigarettes.
The Dean of the Faculty of CUHK school of medicine, Mr Chan ka-leung, said that a number of medical bodies had expressed confidence that the government and the political parties in the government of the HKSAR would hear the noise, but he was cautiously optimistic that the government would change the way it was regulated.
Incredible! Yantai’s first suspect in the illegal operation of e-cigarette was arrested!
Asked whether “a complete ban on traditional cigarettes is required” , Mr Liu said it would be better to ban all cigarettes altogether.
At the afterwards panel on Health Affairs of the Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, members of different political parties expressed the view that electronic and thermal cigarettes should be completely banned. Finally, the meeting adopted the motion that the government of the HKSAR should ban the sale of e-cigarettes and other tobacco products as soon as possible with 5 votes in favour, 3 against and 1 abstention.