
Research says that electronic cigarettes will not affect intestinal bacteria like traditional cigarettes.

According to SlashGear, a new study found that non-smokers and individuals who use “electronic cigarette” have the same intestinal flora. However, according to the study, the intestinal flora of people who smoke traditional cigarettes has been destroyed. This revelation highlights another potential benefit of turning from traditional cigarettes to electronic cigarettes, although smoking is still ideal from a health standpoint.

The study, from researchers at the University of Newcastle and an international team, found that non smokers and people who use electric cigarettes have the same intestinal flora. This is the first time to compare the intestinal microflora of smokers with those who use only electronic cigarettes. As part of the study, the research team took 10 samples from each group and the control group, then used gene sequencing to determine which bacteria existed.

People who smoke traditional cigarettes are found to have lower levels of Bacterias in their intestines. This probiotics may help prevent obesity and Crohn’s disease. Similarly, more Poulet Was’s bacteria were found in the intestinal tract of smokers. Unfortunately, this may increase the risk of colitis and colon cancer.

It should be noted that this is a very small sample size pilot study, and additional work needs to be done. Similarly, the conclusion is not that electronic cigarettes are harmless, but that it seems to be a less harmful option than traditional cigarettes. Although vape has nothing to do with changes in intestinal bacteria, it is associated with potential heart disease and lung injury.


It's better than traditional cigarette.

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