JTIJapan Tobacco International
Japan Tobacco Inc. was allowed to revise the retail price of its tobacco products

Japan Tobacco Inc. (JT) recently announced on its official website that its application to revise the retail price of domestic tobacco products on August 6, 2019 had been approved by the Ministry of Finance of Japan, according to Tobacco Online.
The new retail price will come into effect on October 1, 2019. Most of the 115 cigarette brands applied for will increase their prices by 10 yen to reflect the tax rate rising from 8% to 10%. The price of 20 packages of major brands will rise to 490 yen per pack and the price of Seven-star cigarettes will rise to 510 yen.
Japan Tobacco will increase 20 cigarette cartridges matching the new Ploom S heat not burn device by 10 yen to 490 yen, in line with the government’s decision to raise taxes on low-tax cigarette cartridge products and reach the level of cigarettes by 2022. The company said that the price of a pack of cigarette cartridge for traditional Ploom Tech equipment would remain at 490 yen.