5 major findings in Vaping in England: 2021 evidence update summary

We reviewed the Vaping in England: 2021 evidence update summary, and find out some interesting facts. Hope it would help you understand e-cigarettes better.
Finding 1
Based on the socioeconomic status of 11 to 18 year olds, the estimates for smoking and vaping prevalence were higher among more advantaged groups in social grades A, B and C1 (7.1% for smoking, 5.3% for vaping) than for more disadvantaged groups in social grades C2, D and E (5.7% for smoking, 3.5% for vaping).
Finding 2
There was some variation in vaping prevalence by socio-demographic groups and smoking status. Using STS data, 7.2% of men, 7.7% of people in the north of England and 7.6% of people from social grades C2, D and E vaped. Vaping prevalence was between 17.5% and 20.1% among current smokers, around 11% among former smokers and between 0.3% and 0.6% among never smokers. Around 10% of long-term former smokers (quit for longer than 1 year) vaped, compared with 24% of short-term former smokers (quit for less than 1 year).
Finding 3
Strengths above those allowed by regulations (more than 20mg/mL of nicotine) were used by less than 5% of vapers. Use of non-nicotine liquids may be more common among vapers from social grades C2, D and E.
Finding 4
Perceptions of the harm caused by vaping compared with smoking are increasingly out of line with the evidence. The STS survey found that:
- 29% of current smokers believed vaping was less harmful than smoking
- 38% believed vaping was as harmful as smoking
- 18% did not know whether vaping or smoking was more harmful
- 15% of smokers believed vaping was more harmful than smoking
Misperceptions were more pronounced among smokers from social grades C2, D and E.
Finding 5
Use of heated tobacco products by adults in England was estimated at 0.3% and use of nicotine pouches at 0.5% in 2020.
For more info about the official update, please check this link: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/vaping-in-england-evidence-update-february-2021/vaping-in-england-2021-evidence-update-summary