Is electronic cigarette safe? British experts tell you it’s as safe as coffee

According to the Sun on November 13, the electronic cigarette industry has recently become the focus of public attention due to some hot topics.
According to a report released by a German medical professor, electronic cigarettes may cause damage to the brain, lungs, heart and blood vessels, but the specific extent of the damage is not clear.
In a rare case of e-cigarettes in Nottingham, England, a 16-year-old teenager was almost life-threatening due to an allergy to chemicals in the liquid.

The Sun interviewed Peter Hajek, a British medical expert, who is the director of health and lifestyle research at the Wolfson Institute of preventive medicine at Queen Mary University in London.
Professor Peter Hayek pointed out that nicotine in e-cigarettes does have a short-term stimulating effect, which, like drinking coffee, is not dangerous in itself. The Nottingham boy has a rare allergic reaction, the only one among the 3.6 million smokers in the UK. He still affirmed the relative harm reduction effect and safety of e-cigarettes.

“It’s ridiculous to trumpet the dangers of electronic cigarettes,” the Sun commented in its report, “In the ideal world, no one should smoke or vape, but we must face the reality that people still smoke, and cigarettes have great harm. Britain has achieved great success on the road of tobacco control. Only when it is mad can it follow other countries to issue e-cigarette ban. The problem in the United States is that it allows markets to develop, leading to panic and even death. In Britain, 220 people die every day from cigarettes, and e-cigarettes are saving lives. ”

Here is the interview:
Q: Shouldn’t electronic cigarettes be safer than cigarettes?
A: Yes, e-cigarettes are much less harmful than cigarettes. The health risks of electronic cigarette users are 95% lower than that of traditional cigarette users, and the risks of cancer, heart disease and lung disease are also greatly reduced. According to a report by the PHE, the potential risk of cancer among vapers is less than 0.5% of that of traditional smokers.
Q: Will vaping kill people?
A: At least not in the UK.
Q: How do you explain the damage to Ewan Fisher’s lung caused by vapes?
A: The teenager’s condition is a rare allergic reaction to a chemical component in the electronic cigarette. There are 3.6 million smokers in the UK, and the disease case number is the only one.
Q: What are the causes of e-cigarette related deaths in the United States?
A: The outbreak of lung disease in the United States is caused by pollutants in the illegally produced cannabis / thc e-cigarettes. This is not the type of electronic cigarette in the UK.
Q: According to a research report by a German medical professor, electronic cigarettes can damage the brain, heart, lung and blood vessels. Should e-cigarette users be worried?
A: There are actually two findings in this report. One is that nicotine in e-cigarettes can cause short-term stimulation to people, but its stimulation level is similar to coffee drinking, and it is not dangerous in itself; the other is that acrolein produced by vape is harmful to mice, but it can not be directly equated with human. (Whether it is referential or not has been debated in academia.)
Q: Is there any risk in e-cigarettes?
A: E-cigarettes may bring some risks, but our data only come from the users of e-cigarettes in two or three years. So far, no serious health problems have been found.
Q: Is electronic cigarettes addictive?
A: E-cigarettes satisfy smokers who have become nicotine dependent, but they are not attractive to non-smokers. Now the proportion of non-smokers who become smokers is very small.
Q: Why isn’t e-cigarettes as addictive as smoking?
A: Nicotine is very addictive when combined with other chemicals in tobacco. Pure nicotine replacement therapies, such as nicotine gum, nicotine inhalers or current e-cigarettes, are less addictive.
Q: Can e-cigarettes help smokers quit smoking?
A: There is clear evidence and data that e-cigarettes can help smokers quit smoking.