What You Should Know Before Shopping for Marijuana

Cannabis products are becoming more widely available in the United States. Federally, hemp and hemp-derived CBD products are legal. The majority of U.S. states now allow medical cannabis use. An increasing number of states are considering legalizing marijuana for adult recreational use.
Not all marijuana products are created equal, and you should be aware of the several strains and products available. Here are some essential factors to consider while purchasing cannabis for the first time.
There Are Hundreds of Strains
One of the reasons marijuana can appear so intimidating is that dispensaries frequently offer a wide variety of marijuana. These are referred to as “strains,” and hundreds of them are available on the market.
Their terpenes identify strains rather than their THC or CBD levels. The fragrant oils emit various tastes and aromas rather than THC or CBD levels. Different terpenes are suggested for various effects.
Citrus-like terpenes, for example, are regarded to be invigorating, while more herbal-smelling strains are thought to be soothing. While various strains might affect different people, they all have very similar genetic make-ups.
There Are Two Types of Marijuana Plants
Aside from strains, there is another form of differentiation within marijuana. Marijuana plants are classified into two types: Cannabis indica and Cannabis sativa. The physical attributes and chemical composition of these various varieties vary.
Sativa plants have greater THC levels but lower CBD levels, whereas Indica plants have higher CBD levels but lower THC levels. THC is the primary psychoactive element in marijuana, but CBD is not. A dispensary employee may prescribe Indica, Sativa, or a hybrid of the two strains depending on your desired effect from marijuana.
There Are Hybrid Marijuana Plants
Marijuana plants have also been crossbred to create half-Indica and half-Sativa hybrids. There are also hybrids with varying percentages — they might be Indica-dominant or Sativa-dominant. These plants have been engineered to have chemical compositions that produce various effects.
Not Everyone Reacts to the Drug the Same Way
Finding the right marijuana strain and kind for you may need trial and error. Everyone reacts differently to marijuana depending on several factors such as general health, medical issues, tolerance, heredity, and other factors.
Cannabis affects men and women differently. While recommendations from friends, publications, and dispensary personnel are an excellent place to start, you may have a few misfires before you find the strain that works best for you and your needs.
There is More to It Than THC
Buying marijuana-based primarily on the THC level is like purchasing drinks at a bar based solely on alcohol content—the scents, tastes, and impacts of a plant influence how good your marijuana experience is. And, aside from THC, many of the plant’s effects are caused by a mix of the more than 100 other cannabinoids in cannabis.
Although the scientific study is sparse, many growers have focused on strains that balance THC, cannabinoids, and terpenes to accomplish certain advantages.
How You Consume Affects Your High
Cannabinoids enter your system and reach your brain within minutes of smoking marijuana. On the other hand, edibles take longer to take effect since they must travel through the stomach, intestines, and liver before reaching the brain.
The high from edibles usually lasts much longer than the “head high” from smoking. When it comes to edibles, it’s vital to start with minimal dosages due to the heightened danger of overconsumption.
Medical Marijuana and Recreational Marijuana Differ
Medical marijuana is grown to increase cannabis’s therapeutic advantages while minimizing euphoric effects. As a result, medicinal marijuana typically has greater CBD levels and lower THC levels. Recreational marijuana, on the other hand, emphasizes the drug’s capacity to produce a “high”; therefore, it has more THC and less CBD.
To access medicinal marijuana, you must have a doctor’s referral and a registration card, but anybody above the legal drinking age can purchase recreational marijuana anywhere it is lawfully sold. Some dispensaries specialize in medicinal or recreational usage, while several do both.
Buying CBD Oil Does Not Mean You Are Buying Marijuana
Cannabis oil, marijuana oil, and THC oil are not the same as CBD oil. To induce a high, cannabis oil, marijuana oil, and THC oil contain significant THC quantities.
Because CBD oil is produced from hemp plants, it contains no more than 0.3 percent THC. It has concentrated levels of CBD, a cannabinoid present in cannabis flowers that interacts with the brain differently than THC, to provide the compound’s potential therapeutic advantages.
It’s Important to Shop Around
Look around online to get an estimate of how much marijuana will cost in your region. Taxes, as well as supply and demand, influence price variation by city or state. Don’t be shocked if certain highly sought-after, high-quality strains command exorbitant costs.
However, like with most things in life, price is not always indicative of quality. To give you a public figure, the national average cost for an ounce of high-quality marijuana is $326.06 and $265.58 for medium-quality marijuana.
You Might Not Be Able to Pay With a Credit Card
Call or check the dispensary’s website ahead of time to see what payment options they take. Because marijuana is still illegal at the federal level, using a credit card or bank card to purchase it may fail or result in the cancellation of your account. Even if you’re buying cannabis from a legal, respectable establishment, cash may be your only alternative.
Know Your State Laws
Marijuana laws vary significantly from state to state, and the rules of one state might be confusing and inconsistent. It is critical to conduct some basic research to protect oneself. There are restrictions on how much you can personally hold at one time, how much you can give as a present, whether you can produce your plants, consume them in public, and so on.
Bring Your ID
To buy pot in any state, you must be at least 21 years old. And chances are, even if you’re 80, you’ll get carded. In contrast to supermarkets and liquor shops, which would card you at the point of purchase, many dispensaries will check for your ID at the entrance if marijuana items are openly displayed.
Medical marijuana is the lone exemption. Patients over the age of 18 can get medical marijuana delivery cards, which they can use to purchase items from a dispensary.
With the increased availability of cannabis products and mounting proof of its health advantages, more individuals are exploring purchasing marijuana for the first time. Purchasing marijuana might be frightening, but if you know this crucial information before, during, and after you visit a dispensary, you will be a knowledgeable, savvy consumer in no time.