Vaping Events

Top 10 Things You Should Know About MEVS360

MEVS360, or the Middle East Vape Show 360, is swiftly becoming one of the most significant events in the vaping industry, particularly within the Middle East and North African regions. This event is not just a trade show; it’s a comprehensive platform that offers unparalleled opportunities for networking, showcasing products, and navigating the complex regulatory environments of the vaping industry. Here’s what you need to know about this pioneering event:

1. New Leadership and Vision

In 2024, MEVS360 welcomes new management under the leadership of Jameel Esmaelyat. The new CEO brings a fresh and dynamic approach to the event, emphasizing innovative strategies and a commitment to growth. This change aims to transform MEVS360 into a more prestigious and influential event in the global vape exhibition landscape.

2. Strategic Location

Set in the Egypt International Exhibition Center in Cairo, MEVS360 offers a vibrant backdrop for one of the largest vaping events in the region. This location is not only central for attendees from the MENA countries but also attracts international visitors, making it a global hotspot for vape industry professionals.

3. Business Matchmaking Redefined

A standout feature of MEVS360 is its focus on business matchmaking. This initiative facilitates strategic connections, collaborations, and partnerships beyond traditional trade show interactions. It’s designed to maximize opportunities for exhibitors and brands to forge meaningful alliances that can significantly impact their business trajectories.

Top 10 Things You Should Know About MEVS360

4. Innovative Exhibitions and Product Showcases

Participants at MEVS360 will witness the latest innovations in the vaping sector. From cutting-edge vaping devices to a variety of e-liquids and accessories, exhibitors have the unique opportunity to showcase their products to a keen and engaged audience.

5. Direct Government Involvement

The event boasts direct involvement from the Egyptian Government, providing exhibitors and attendees with access to crucial regulatory insights and market dynamics. This involvement ensures that the event not only complies with local regulations but also provides support and advocacy for participants.

6. Extensive Networking Opportunities

MEVS360 offers extensive networking platforms through workshops, seminars, and social gatherings. These opportunities are vital for sharing knowledge, building new connections, and fostering collaborative projects among industry leaders and newcomers alike.

7. Focus on Regulatory Compliance

Understanding and adhering to the regulatory frameworks of different markets can be challenging. MEVS360 addresses this by providing guidance and support to navigate these complexities, ensuring that all participants can operate within legal confines without hassle.

Top 10 Things You Should Know About MEVS360

8. Market Expansion and Visibility

The event facilitates market expansion for participants by offering them a stage to present their products and services to a broader audience. This exposure is crucial for brands looking to establish or strengthen their presence in the Middle East and beyond.

9. Educational and Informative Sessions

MEVS360 isn’t just about product displays and networking; it also offers educational sessions that cover a wide range of topics relevant to the vaping industry. These sessions are designed to provide insights into market trends, health considerations, and business strategies.

10. A Platform for Innovation and Growth

Ultimately, MEVS360 serves as a platform for innovation and growth within the vape industry. It encourages the exchange of ideas and technologies, making it an essential event for anyone looking to stay ahead in the rapidly evolving vaping market.


MEVS360 is much more than a vape show; it’s a catalyst for industry growth, a hub for innovation, and a bridge for international collaboration. Whether you are a manufacturer, distributor, retailer, or vape enthusiast, MEVS360 offers something of value for everyone involved in the vaping ecosystem. With its strategic focus on business matchmaking, regulatory compliance, and market expansion, MEVS360 is setting a new standard for vape shows worldwide. Don’t miss the opportunity to be part of this groundbreaking event. Learn more about the show.

Recent Event Details

Date: December 9th to 11th, 2024
Location: Egypt International Exhibition Center, Cairo, Egypt

Make sure to mark your calendars and plan to attend MEVS360 for a unique opportunity to connect, learn, and grow in the vape industry.


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