Vaping Knowledge

  • How do old smokers think about electronic cigarettes?

    How do old smokers think about electronic cigarettes?

    For many male smokers, cigarettes seem to be the best companions. They never go without it. I have seen friends who are addicted to cigarettes and get one or two packs of cigarettes a day. In their opinion, they are lonely without cigarettes. With the emergence of electronic cigarettes, it…

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  • Nicotine for the 21st Century: The 4 Technologies That Define Vaping

    Nicotine for the 21st Century: The 4 Technologies That Define Vaping

    For millions of former smokers around the world, vaping has truly proven to be a life-changing technology. Anything that keeps nicotine users away from cigarettes is great for those individuals and even better for the public health burden that we all carry for the world’s smokers. Within the field of…

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  • Recent US Study Looks at E-Cig Withdrawal Symptoms Among Former Smokers

    Recent US Study Looks at E-Cig Withdrawal Symptoms Among Former Smokers

    Titled, “Withdrawal Symptoms From E-Cigarette Abstinence Among Former Smokers: A Pre-Post Clinical Trial,” the study included 109 former smokers who were current vapers, and were tested to confirm that they used their own e-cigarette for 7 days, followed by 6 days of abstinence. While smokers transfer their dependence on nicotine…

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  • 4 Simple Tips for Cleaning Any Alternative Vaporizer

    4 Simple Tips for Cleaning Any Alternative Vaporizer

    So, you own a top-notch alternative vaporizer? Good choice. Buying a great vaporizer is an investment that can pay great dividends in the future. That’s partially because a better vaporizer tends to last longer – and include a better warranty – than a cheaper one. More importantly, though, a great…

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    If you begin your journey into the planet of vaping, you will hear about various sorts of pens that you can use to ingest cannabis, CBD, and other substances. Vape pens, wax pens, dab pens – what are the differences between them, and what requirements accompany their usages? Here is…

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  • Make Vaping Fun Again: Support a Local E-Liquid Brand

    Make Vaping Fun Again: Support a Local E-Liquid Brand

    There’s a certain arc that’s common to almost all new tech industries. When a new industry appears, small businesses pop up everywhere as entrepreneurs try to capitalize on the opportunity and claim market share. After a while, the market begins to consolidate. Big companies get bigger, and smaller companies begin…

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  • Vapor products can save lives by helping smokers quit

    Vapor products can save lives by helping smokers quit

    The country has begun its recovery efforts from the coronavirus pandemic, and we are attempting to get back to normal, catching up on those things we missed while the world stopped to deal with the threat. While there has been promising and positive research released in the last few months…

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  • 3 common vaping myths

    3 common vaping myths

    Vaping is the procedure of inhaling or consuming vapor from e-cigarettes or any other such devices. Vaping has always been a debated topic for years. Various laws put various restrictions on the selling of e-cigarettes like the United States of Federal Laws restricts the sale of e-cigarettes to people under…

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  • 5 Facts Which Prove Vaping Can Release Stress

    5 Facts Which Prove Vaping Can Release Stress

    Stress is life impeding and makes us perform at a sub-optimal level. It impacts areas of our lives by depleting the energy and straining the vital organs. Data indicates that the majority of the population has experienced stress that leaves them susceptible. Several factors can work co-inherently or independently to seed…

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  • How to make yourself smell NOT like a smoker

    5 tips to make yourself smell NOT like a smoker

    If someone asks you suddenly “Did you just…have you smoked?” Don’t think this is a daily greeting. ” Behind every detective question about the smell of smoke, there are very rich subtexts hidden behind. So how to make yourself smell not like a smoker? No1. Clearing your mouth Chewing gum,…

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